Friday, November 30, 2007

Blown Away

Wind energy is cost efficient, and much easier on the environment than fossil fuels. It "has become more attractive as an alternate fuel source for an electricity generation." Wind farms have been created all over the place which have increased the amount of energy the US uses daily. Thus, the popularity of wind energy has increased as well.The Energy Policy Act of 2005, extended the wind-energy production tax of $0.019 per kilowatt hour for electricity generated with wind turbines over a project's first 10 years of operation.The turbines that convert the wind to electricity are unsightly, noisy and could kill migrating birds, and on sunny days their rotating blades can cause an annoying "shadow flicker".
" In another twist, more than a dozen wind projects totalling at least 500 MW of capacity in the Midwest were put on hold by the federal government earlier this year. Their fate will remain in limbo until the US Department of Defense completes a study ordered by the Congress to determine whether the 300-foot-high wind turbines interfere with military radar." All in all, popularity of wind energy is increasing steadily and I would not be surprised if more of their 'farms' were created within the next 10 years or so.,1&docsInCategory=85&csi=167340&docNo=1

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Wanda Pratnicka is a Catholic exorcist and a parapsychologist. Parapsychology is the study of paranormal phenomena for example consciousness after death. Only Catholic priests who are both legally and morally ordained and are faithful to the teachings of Sacred Scripture, as validly understood through the legitimate moral authority of the Church, and who remain spiritually sound should attempt an exorcism, but Wanda believes otherwise. She knows that devils are powerful beings and can be extremely harmful to the unqualified, but she believes that with her training she can inflict her faith while freeing the body from spirits. In an interview, Wanda was asked if she was predisposed as an exorcist or if it was a skill that anyone could learn. She said that she's been an exorcist for the past twenty five years and she is still learning more about the topic. The interviewer asked how she knows when someone is under the influence of a ghost, and she replied that "I simply know, I feel it. It's enough for me to stand close by, I sense it with my whole being, ghosts are afraid of me and right away they attack me. Sometimes, though, I help myself by using a small pendulum when there are many people around and it's loud, noisy, a commotion." She was then asked how she knows when ghosts are around and she stated "I sense their presence, their chill, their pinching, even choking, only God knows what other kinds of activities, all sorts."
Pratnicka also said that she once came across a case of an
autistic child who was possessed by his grandfather's ghost and once she "took away the spirit" suddenly the boy started to read, write, talk, perform all the normal activities which was a miracle. Wanda is so good all she needs is the person's details: name, date of birth and place of residence. With that alone she can assess if someone is ill or well. She has clients all over the world and says that if they are next to her or not the degree of difficulty is the same. She even says that someone can be possessed by hundreds of ghosts at a time.
She refuses to allow connection with the Eastern Religions, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Kiwanis International, Lions Club, and similar organizations most of which are at least indirectly associated with Freemasonry.

How Religions See Families

For Muslims, then, the family is the central institution; it is at the centre both of theology and sociology: 'The family is a divinely-inspired institution that came into existence with the creation of man. The human race is a product of this institution and not the other way round' (Ahmad 1974: 13). Not surprisingly, the most intricate rules and regulations guide family life. About a third of the legal injunctions in the Qur'an deal with family matters. These aim to produce the attitudes and behaviour patterns that Islam wants to foster in society. And they cover different generations: a Muslim family is an extended family, normally with three or four generations within its circle. It is also quite common to find arrangd marriages in this culture.
For the Hindu culture, family is an institution of a spiritual purity where people respect 'relationships' (called toll free bridges), where they are free and yet have all advantages of connectedness. Hindu families represent 1/6 of the population and they feel as if many families are starting to fail to keep traditions alive. The families children decide to marry Americans and the pure blood Hindus begin to decrease, which "hurts their culture." Many just decide to marry outside the faith. Hindu family has a very developed network of relationship.
Pita - Father, Mata - Mother.
Buddhist social philosophy looks at the "family" as a grouping of people living in the same house. The concept of the "family" is however extended to the relatives, neighbors, friends, community, society and finally to humanity. It regards all human beings as being members of the "one family".The Buddhist path places great emphasis upon the actions and behaviors of each member of the family. The Sigalovada Sutta, for instance, details the relationships between parents and children; wife and husband; between siblings.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Controllers of the Torture Policy

I found my research on a Human Rights Movement website. They had a long article on the world report of the torture policy and the progression and setbacks it has made. The way they describe it was as if the words "humane treatment" and "torture" were up for grabs in terms of definitions. President Bush is the man in control of the United States' policy on treatment of prisoners. He proclaimed to the public that we were not torturing the prisoners however his statement was not believed. The United Nations’ widely ratified Convention against Torture defines the term as “any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person.” Yet as of August 2002, the administration had defined torture as nothing short of pain “equivalent…to that…associated with serious physical injury so severe that death, organ failure, or permanent damage resulting in a loss of significant body function will likely result.” In December 2004, the administration repudiated this absurdly narrow definition, but it offered no alternative definition.
The CIA began allowing water-boarding beginning in March 2002 as one of six “enhanced interrogation techniques” for certain terrorist suspects. President Bush’s declarations on torture ironically avoided mention of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. That is because, in a policy given publicly by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in January 2005 the Bush administration began allowing use of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment as long as the victim was a non-U.S. citizen held outside the United States. Certain governments force detainees to similar treatment or worse, but they do so quietly. The Bush administration is the only government in the world known to claim this power openly, as a matter of official policy, and to pretend that it is lawful.
While continuing to allow the power to subject particular detainees to “inhuman” treatment, Bush also managed to insist that the government, specifically his administration, would treat all detainees “humanely.” He never publicly addressed the obvious contradiction. In the administration’s view, the term “humane treatment” is not “susceptible to a succinct definition.” In fact, he explained, the White House has provided no guidance on its meaning.
The Bush administration’s tried to prevent Congress from outlawing abusive treatment. Particular figures who oversee the CIA, explained to human rights groups in August that U.S. interrogators have a duty to use all available authority to fight terrorism. “We’re pretty aggressive within the law,” he explained. “We’re going to live on the edge.”

Monday, November 12, 2007

Survive 2012!!

The authors who have researched the Mayans have agreed... 2012 it is. Personally I have heard of this theory before, so the must be circulating the popular belief around. If you are wondering why specifically 2012 then I can tell you. There were encodings in the written works of the Mayans that suggested this was the specific year of the end. Many investigators have argued that this will not occur and the writings are so outdated and they are not up to date with the world today. The mass majority disagree with 2012 being a possible threat, but others have taken 2012 in a different direction.
A theorist named Bast has created the theory that every so often shifts in space cause cataclysms and mass mutations. He says that mutations can lead to rapid evolutionary change. Bast argues that mutations can occur because there once were dragons and unicorns living on the earth. Because of that fact it could happen again and lead to extreme mutation. Another theory of his was that pyramids were designed as cosmic ray shelters because the people of the past were more intelligent than anyone could have guessed, and they were able to predict everything and encode it into their writings.
His last theory was that cosmic rays could lead to mutations and pole shifts could also be an influence. He is extremely adamant in believing that mutations are possible and could easily happen in the near future. All in all he does not specifically believe in the Mayan culture, he just has many ideas regarding the predictions for change in our environment here on earth.

Monday, November 5, 2007

U.S. Navy Spots Cryptid Ape

U.S. Navy SEALS have had some interaction with interesting apes residing in Africa. The main individual involved did not disclose his personal information, so no specifics are known however the interaction did in fact occur. He was involved with covert operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1997-2002 when the observation happened. According to his statement his troop witnessed "a group of thirteen "chimpanzee-like" creatures between 4.5 to 5 feet tall, uniformly gray all over their bodies, with rows of seemingly porcupine-like quills running the length of their backs." The SEALS saw them kill another animal and when they got riled up their quills on their backs would stand up straight. A video was documented however due to their operations the Navy could not give out that information. Because SEALS were involved it is a probable guess that water such as a swamp or lake were involved in the trip.
Their description sounds like there probably are similar hairy short upright creatures (with bizarre spiked hair) known to inhabit areas near certain bodies of water and from specific islands. There must be various regions where these creatures reside. Their names may be unfamiliar but at least we know their qualities. When you're in Africa just look out for chimp-looking animals with spiked hair, aggressiveness, and aquatic habits. Stay Away!!