Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Feel the Energy

Noreen Renier is a psychic detective. She believes that she possesses powers beyond those of the physical world. Renier considers herself a psychometrist, and when she touches objects previously belonging to the 'victim' she is able to feel their energy and get images and visions. Although Noreen cannot guarantee results every single time, she does promise that she will try her hardest no matter what! She wants the general public to know that psychic detectives do not solve crimes.. police do! She jsut hopes to help in discovering clues or possessions that were overlooked and may be key in putting together the pieces of the puzzle.
The charge for a psychic consultation is $1,000.oo. She has been a part of the law enforcement community for the past thirty years and gives her honest promise to get the results you want. She believes that she should be called in as a last resort and does not want to get in the way of a current investigation. She also does not want to be blamed for putting forward incorrect information. Noreen sure has all the bases covered just incase she senses the wrong energy!


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