Friday, November 30, 2007

Blown Away

Wind energy is cost efficient, and much easier on the environment than fossil fuels. It "has become more attractive as an alternate fuel source for an electricity generation." Wind farms have been created all over the place which have increased the amount of energy the US uses daily. Thus, the popularity of wind energy has increased as well.The Energy Policy Act of 2005, extended the wind-energy production tax of $0.019 per kilowatt hour for electricity generated with wind turbines over a project's first 10 years of operation.The turbines that convert the wind to electricity are unsightly, noisy and could kill migrating birds, and on sunny days their rotating blades can cause an annoying "shadow flicker".
" In another twist, more than a dozen wind projects totalling at least 500 MW of capacity in the Midwest were put on hold by the federal government earlier this year. Their fate will remain in limbo until the US Department of Defense completes a study ordered by the Congress to determine whether the 300-foot-high wind turbines interfere with military radar." All in all, popularity of wind energy is increasing steadily and I would not be surprised if more of their 'farms' were created within the next 10 years or so.,1&docsInCategory=85&csi=167340&docNo=1

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Wanda Pratnicka is a Catholic exorcist and a parapsychologist. Parapsychology is the study of paranormal phenomena for example consciousness after death. Only Catholic priests who are both legally and morally ordained and are faithful to the teachings of Sacred Scripture, as validly understood through the legitimate moral authority of the Church, and who remain spiritually sound should attempt an exorcism, but Wanda believes otherwise. She knows that devils are powerful beings and can be extremely harmful to the unqualified, but she believes that with her training she can inflict her faith while freeing the body from spirits. In an interview, Wanda was asked if she was predisposed as an exorcist or if it was a skill that anyone could learn. She said that she's been an exorcist for the past twenty five years and she is still learning more about the topic. The interviewer asked how she knows when someone is under the influence of a ghost, and she replied that "I simply know, I feel it. It's enough for me to stand close by, I sense it with my whole being, ghosts are afraid of me and right away they attack me. Sometimes, though, I help myself by using a small pendulum when there are many people around and it's loud, noisy, a commotion." She was then asked how she knows when ghosts are around and she stated "I sense their presence, their chill, their pinching, even choking, only God knows what other kinds of activities, all sorts."
Pratnicka also said that she once came across a case of an
autistic child who was possessed by his grandfather's ghost and once she "took away the spirit" suddenly the boy started to read, write, talk, perform all the normal activities which was a miracle. Wanda is so good all she needs is the person's details: name, date of birth and place of residence. With that alone she can assess if someone is ill or well. She has clients all over the world and says that if they are next to her or not the degree of difficulty is the same. She even says that someone can be possessed by hundreds of ghosts at a time.
She refuses to allow connection with the Eastern Religions, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Kiwanis International, Lions Club, and similar organizations most of which are at least indirectly associated with Freemasonry.

How Religions See Families

For Muslims, then, the family is the central institution; it is at the centre both of theology and sociology: 'The family is a divinely-inspired institution that came into existence with the creation of man. The human race is a product of this institution and not the other way round' (Ahmad 1974: 13). Not surprisingly, the most intricate rules and regulations guide family life. About a third of the legal injunctions in the Qur'an deal with family matters. These aim to produce the attitudes and behaviour patterns that Islam wants to foster in society. And they cover different generations: a Muslim family is an extended family, normally with three or four generations within its circle. It is also quite common to find arrangd marriages in this culture.
For the Hindu culture, family is an institution of a spiritual purity where people respect 'relationships' (called toll free bridges), where they are free and yet have all advantages of connectedness. Hindu families represent 1/6 of the population and they feel as if many families are starting to fail to keep traditions alive. The families children decide to marry Americans and the pure blood Hindus begin to decrease, which "hurts their culture." Many just decide to marry outside the faith. Hindu family has a very developed network of relationship.
Pita - Father, Mata - Mother.
Buddhist social philosophy looks at the "family" as a grouping of people living in the same house. The concept of the "family" is however extended to the relatives, neighbors, friends, community, society and finally to humanity. It regards all human beings as being members of the "one family".The Buddhist path places great emphasis upon the actions and behaviors of each member of the family. The Sigalovada Sutta, for instance, details the relationships between parents and children; wife and husband; between siblings.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Controllers of the Torture Policy

I found my research on a Human Rights Movement website. They had a long article on the world report of the torture policy and the progression and setbacks it has made. The way they describe it was as if the words "humane treatment" and "torture" were up for grabs in terms of definitions. President Bush is the man in control of the United States' policy on treatment of prisoners. He proclaimed to the public that we were not torturing the prisoners however his statement was not believed. The United Nations’ widely ratified Convention against Torture defines the term as “any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person.” Yet as of August 2002, the administration had defined torture as nothing short of pain “equivalent…to that…associated with serious physical injury so severe that death, organ failure, or permanent damage resulting in a loss of significant body function will likely result.” In December 2004, the administration repudiated this absurdly narrow definition, but it offered no alternative definition.
The CIA began allowing water-boarding beginning in March 2002 as one of six “enhanced interrogation techniques” for certain terrorist suspects. President Bush’s declarations on torture ironically avoided mention of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. That is because, in a policy given publicly by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales in January 2005 the Bush administration began allowing use of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment as long as the victim was a non-U.S. citizen held outside the United States. Certain governments force detainees to similar treatment or worse, but they do so quietly. The Bush administration is the only government in the world known to claim this power openly, as a matter of official policy, and to pretend that it is lawful.
While continuing to allow the power to subject particular detainees to “inhuman” treatment, Bush also managed to insist that the government, specifically his administration, would treat all detainees “humanely.” He never publicly addressed the obvious contradiction. In the administration’s view, the term “humane treatment” is not “susceptible to a succinct definition.” In fact, he explained, the White House has provided no guidance on its meaning.
The Bush administration’s tried to prevent Congress from outlawing abusive treatment. Particular figures who oversee the CIA, explained to human rights groups in August that U.S. interrogators have a duty to use all available authority to fight terrorism. “We’re pretty aggressive within the law,” he explained. “We’re going to live on the edge.”

Monday, November 12, 2007

Survive 2012!!

The authors who have researched the Mayans have agreed... 2012 it is. Personally I have heard of this theory before, so the must be circulating the popular belief around. If you are wondering why specifically 2012 then I can tell you. There were encodings in the written works of the Mayans that suggested this was the specific year of the end. Many investigators have argued that this will not occur and the writings are so outdated and they are not up to date with the world today. The mass majority disagree with 2012 being a possible threat, but others have taken 2012 in a different direction.
A theorist named Bast has created the theory that every so often shifts in space cause cataclysms and mass mutations. He says that mutations can lead to rapid evolutionary change. Bast argues that mutations can occur because there once were dragons and unicorns living on the earth. Because of that fact it could happen again and lead to extreme mutation. Another theory of his was that pyramids were designed as cosmic ray shelters because the people of the past were more intelligent than anyone could have guessed, and they were able to predict everything and encode it into their writings.
His last theory was that cosmic rays could lead to mutations and pole shifts could also be an influence. He is extremely adamant in believing that mutations are possible and could easily happen in the near future. All in all he does not specifically believe in the Mayan culture, he just has many ideas regarding the predictions for change in our environment here on earth.

Monday, November 5, 2007

U.S. Navy Spots Cryptid Ape

U.S. Navy SEALS have had some interaction with interesting apes residing in Africa. The main individual involved did not disclose his personal information, so no specifics are known however the interaction did in fact occur. He was involved with covert operations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1997-2002 when the observation happened. According to his statement his troop witnessed "a group of thirteen "chimpanzee-like" creatures between 4.5 to 5 feet tall, uniformly gray all over their bodies, with rows of seemingly porcupine-like quills running the length of their backs." The SEALS saw them kill another animal and when they got riled up their quills on their backs would stand up straight. A video was documented however due to their operations the Navy could not give out that information. Because SEALS were involved it is a probable guess that water such as a swamp or lake were involved in the trip.
Their description sounds like there probably are similar hairy short upright creatures (with bizarre spiked hair) known to inhabit areas near certain bodies of water and from specific islands. There must be various regions where these creatures reside. Their names may be unfamiliar but at least we know their qualities. When you're in Africa just look out for chimp-looking animals with spiked hair, aggressiveness, and aquatic habits. Stay Away!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Feel the Energy

Noreen Renier is a psychic detective. She believes that she possesses powers beyond those of the physical world. Renier considers herself a psychometrist, and when she touches objects previously belonging to the 'victim' she is able to feel their energy and get images and visions. Although Noreen cannot guarantee results every single time, she does promise that she will try her hardest no matter what! She wants the general public to know that psychic detectives do not solve crimes.. police do! She jsut hopes to help in discovering clues or possessions that were overlooked and may be key in putting together the pieces of the puzzle.
The charge for a psychic consultation is $1,000.oo. She has been a part of the law enforcement community for the past thirty years and gives her honest promise to get the results you want. She believes that she should be called in as a last resort and does not want to get in the way of a current investigation. She also does not want to be blamed for putting forward incorrect information. Noreen sure has all the bases covered just incase she senses the wrong energy!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Loch Ness.. Model?

I remember growing up the loch ness monster was definitely real. Sometimes I would see commercials for specials on the history channel "Searching for Nessie" and it was scary! Since then I have never really looked into the history behind the so-called "monster" that I have realized, while getting older and wiser, does not exist. I remember seeing many a time the photograph of a head sticking out of the water. It looked like some kind of reptile and definitely nothing I had seen before at the aquarium or the zoo. "A highly respectable British surgeon, Colonel Robert Wilson, was driving along the new road on the northern shore of the Loch on April 19, 1934 early in the morning when he said that he noticed something moving in the water. He happened to have a camera with him, so he quickly stopped his car and snapped a photo."
This photograph turned into living breathing proof that Nessie was in fact living and breathing. For decades people swore she was alive and living in the loch. The picture was named "the Surgeon's photograph" because Wilson did not want his name attached to it.Many investigations were led to try and figure out if the picture was a hoax. One scientist in the mid '80s believed that it was a marine bird or some kind of otter. This was believed to be the case because it looked from the picture that whatever it was could not have been more than two or three feet long.
This theory was disproven in 1990 when discoverers realized that the picture was in fact a toy submarine with a sea-serpent head. The plot unraveled and a man named Christian Spurling confessed to his involvement in the fake "Surgeon's photo." Apparantely Spurling's uncle came to him asking if he would make the figure and Spurling agreed. Then, his uncle gave the picture to Wilson because he was an upstanding surgeon and he thought it would be more believable coming from him. What was the reason behind the entire hoax one might ask? Spurling's uncle once found "loch ness tracks" on the ground in Scotland, which were later proved to be hippo tracks. The man wanted revenge for being humiliated at the truth behind his "discovery." I guess what goes around comes around, it's just a shame he had to terrify so many young children in the process.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Commies are Caught!

McCarthy should be proud of himself for creating so much tumult in American politics and society. He managed to make citizens of the United States question the decisions made by the White House regarding international affairs and foreign policies. How, you may ask? By accusing numerous officials of being communists and forcing them to be put on trial. McCarthy created a list of 205 people, which he later reduced to 57, who were reported Communists feeding information to the Soviet Union. These names were not kept a secret and were in fact published by th Senate in 1946. McCarthy also investigated different government departments and questioned a great amount of people about their political past. Some people lost their jobs after they admitted they had been members of the Communist Party. McCarthy made it clear to the witnesses that the only way of showing that they had abandoned their Communist views was by naming other members of the party.
Around this time the term "McCarthyism" was created. Many compare this hysteria around the U.S. to that of the witch hunt. So many people were getting caught, in trouble, and losing everything important to them. McCarthy tossed out some pretty strong accusations and got an incredible amount of people in trouble for their actions. There were a great deal of high-up figures who had their lives ruined by this man. McCarthy eventually move on from incriminating American politicians to looking into who was infiltrating the U.S. Army.
McCarthyism is still present in the current world. People fear for being associated with other radicals who have bad reputations. That is an offshoot of the craziness that spewed from all of these trials and hearings. Even some teachers decide to move away from more controversial topics for fear of saying the wrong thing, although I believe that was more popular a long time ago when the trials were actually going on. All in all the McCarthy trials truly taught Americans to watch their backs. Getting involved in shady businesses such as becoming a traitor will catch up with you in the end, and it is not a pretty sight.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Oops, I Think We Caused a Tsunami...

One out of the many websites I stumbled across claimed something as a conspiracy that I just could not pass up. It stated that "U.S. and Indian militaries deliberately caused the Indian Ocean tsunamis with electromagnetic pulse technology." It went on to claim that our country had stirred up this massive natural disaster on our own. Another site that I found stated that the Indian militaries were in on it as well. They went on to say that experiments had been in effect to create "mini tidal waves" and to see how destructive they could be. It is crazy that this kind of testing could incur such a destructive natural disaster.
These tidal waves created by the military seemed to transform into more harmful experiments. They were actually referred to as "tsunami bomb" testing. These tests took place off of the coast of New Zealand back in 1944 and 1945. There was always the constant concern that it could trigger some form of an earthquake, and this lingering notion was present long before the disaster of 2004.
This conspiracy has also turned into a means of looking more closely at different countries' modes of attack. These electromagnetic waves, though they did not initiate the tsunami of 2004, could possibly start up a natural disaster in the years to come. This would bring about a whole new means of attack by using a tool that once started becomes virtually incontrollable.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Children Left Behind

The longest paper I have ever written was assigned at the end of my senior year. Urban Studies senior year was my absolute favorite class. Four out of the five days of the week we would get to go out of school and take a bus to different service sites in the area. For the final paper we were assigned to pick a problem that we were faced with throughout the course of the year. We were supposed to discuss solutions to the problem, and then include our opinion of the issue. For one of my sites I was placed in a public grade school working with troublesome boys around 10-13 years old. I came to be good friends with these kids, and I learned more than I could ever imagine just spending a year at Montefiore. For my last assignment, I decided to research the No Child Left Behind Act. I wanted to know what kind of progress these children were making, and how bright their futures would be.
Within the first few days of research I found myself engrossed in all of the publications surrounding this act. There were so many different viewpoints related to the act promoting a positive or a negative effect on the students. In a nutshell, the act is a way for the government to check up on public schools via standardized testing and see if the students are making progress or not. I do not believe that this act is effective. Many believe this act is having an alternate effect on students and making them more likely to drop out of school. I have been convinced that we are approaching this problem the wrong way.
I remember having a hard time comprehending why one test would determine if a school would get in trouble or not. I believe that the government should be keeping tabs on these schools in a more frequent manner, not just once a year after the students fill out a Scantron card. The government also needs to realize that there are different types of schools with different types of requirements. Not all institutions can be tested on the same standard.
I know that I am not the only one that feels this way about the public school system. Bush passed the act but I know that he must realize this cannot cure the problem. Public school systems need much more attention and the government should be the one checking up on them; everyone can agree with that. I think the argument at hand is that some believe the NCLB Act is showing long-term progress. The current progress has been documented; however there are multiple side effects occurring while the act is in effect. Multiple authors have suggested alternate plans that seem to make much more sense than what is going on now. From reading their opinions I was swayed to believe that anything would be better than what was occurring with this NCLB Act.
When it comes to debates I can usually be the person found to be on the fence about most topics. I do not get involved in political arguments, mostly because I do not know anything about politics and would not be able to back up my reasoning. I enjoy being easygoing and appreciating everyone else’s opinions. I can make up my mind about certain topics, but when things get heated I like staying out of it. With all of the research I did on this topic though I found myself strongly confident about being opposed to this act and what it was letting happen to the public school system. I obviously know that something has to be done, I just found myself agreeing with Mr. Ricca and different authors who truly believe that the situation is being approached in the wrong way.
I want a system to be created where these kids are given a fair shot. I know the ones that I worked with, and they have their bad days but they can be exceptional workers. My friends and I would talk the entire bus ride back to school about our experiences that day, how our favorite kids were doing and who was acting up again. The class was an all around amazing experience and it taught me so much more about the students in different living communities outside my own. I learned so much about the public school system from being a part of it a few times a week. That is why I know that this act is not working; I saw it every time I walked through the metal detectors and down the hall to room 107.

Dandelions... those are the cure!

The particular case I researched this week was coming from a man, George Cairns, who seemed to cure his prostate cancer with some concoction including dandelions. He claims that he was "about done in" with his cancer when a voice in his head told him to take the root of a dandelion. He claims that he was not sure how to prepare it as he laid in bed thinking about the voice he had just heard, but then the next morning when he went to pick the roots he seemed to know exactly what to do. He found himself making this cure, taking it, and feeling very quick results. "Three weeks later the pain in my back and side was gone and my bowels had improved. Five and one half months later they could find no cancer problem in me at all."
George continues to say how quickly word of mouth had spread once he helped another man get over his lung cancer. Supposedly five people were treated for their lung cancer with this powdered dandelion root and all were cured. He went on to explain in detail how if you have fairly good immune system in your body the cancer cells are less likely to get through and you have a higher percentage of not becoming infected. If your immune system is not so great however then there is a problem. The dandelion root, though, "has something in it that builds up the blood and the immune system." Cairns swears by his cure, and even continues to give step by step directions as to how one should go about creating this concoction.
Cairns was talking about how Chemo is the largest difficulty when considering how effective the powdered dandelion root is. He claims that the Chemo just tears down your immune system while fighting the cancer cells, and his cure is all about working alongside the immune system, not against it. George concluded his article from the Northwest Herald by leaving his address and phone number at the bottom. I think that he made a poor decision in doing so, but perhaps he did not receive hate mail or prank phone calls in doing so. I wonder if this "cure" that he speaks of truly helped him, or if it was just coincidence, or perhaps a combination of both. Who knows, I just hope he did not give too many people false hope after reading his article because going off Chemotherapy to take powdered dandelion rot seems like a bad decision, but maybe that's just my own personal opinion.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Wait... So it Didn't Actually Happen?

"The overwhelming number of academics and historians are too afraid actually to admit that the Holocaust was a fiction; they know they will lose their jobs if they speak up." I stumbled upon a website that has compiled all of the arguments and reasoning behind being in Holocaust denial. The site also continues to talk about the rebuttal and how ridiculous it is to believe something this massive did not exist. I am focusing my attention on the research that was done to gather the arguments that the non-believers of the Holocaust are concerned with. They stated flat out that it is a rumor historians are afraid they will not have enough support if they claimed to not believe in this mass genocide.
Another claim was that the amount of Jews actually killed is preposterous. The article states that "The figure of 5-6 million Jewish deaths is an exaggeration, and many Jews who actually emigrated to Russia, Britain, Palestine and the United States are included in the number." The article also talks about how the public awareness of the aftermath of the Holocaust when it was finally out in the open was an attempt to get the world to hate Germany and to fear Russia. The website even went as far to say that "Claims of what the Nazis supposedly did to the Jews were all intended to facilitate the Allies in their intention to enable the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and are currently used to garner support for the policies of the state of Israel, especially in its dealings with the Palestinians." This claim of them all seems to be the most appalling. From reading in between the lines I am taking out of this quote that the Germans just pretended to kill all of these innocent Jews so that Palestine would give the Jews their homeland out of pity. That seems outrageous.
The website also claims that there was no specific order sent from Adolf Hitler to start of this mass murdering action, therefore he is not to blame. They even say that the videos and pictures of people suffering during the Holocaust were falsified and created by the Allied forces to have propaganda against the Germans. On one occasion a video that claimed to be showing victims of the Holocaust after the war was in reality a video of Germans recovering from a bombing in Dresden. All in all the arguments given by the people not believing in the Holocaust seem weak and easily overtaken. Perhaps those who truly believe with their entire being that the Holocaust did not take place to the extent that has been recorded would be able to fight in this argument, however it does not seem plausible for an average Joe to question something we have all studied throughout our schooling. There is not enough proof.

Monday, September 10, 2007

UFOs are Real...So Now What?

"As we continue to live and learn, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to hide the obvious: this phenomenon has been with us for a long time." I find this statement hard to argue with, and believe it to be a fact. It can be taken as a opinion, but the truth of the matter is that the people of the world have been and will continue to be fascinated with the idea that there could be another life form out there. Personally I think we should just let it be. At the current time they aren't bothering Earth and we aren't bothering them, so why start trouble? If we are looking into the matter then it does not seem like much progress has been made. There haven't been any major breakthroughs lately, and to be honest I havent heard of a good UFO sighting in quite some time.
Richard Dolan believes that some of the craft in the air are part of a military operation, which i believe to be true. It could also be a part of a military operation from a neighboring country or continent. There are endless possibilities to the sightings in the sky of metal ships. Dolan seems to believe that the other objects in the sky that are not military related contain aliens. He claims that "The intentions of these "aliens" are still not definitively known. They may be our space brothers, or we may be in their cookbook, or they may simply like the water here. Without true knowledge, caution is the only logical approach."
I feel as if caution is the only honest way to approach the UFO situation. Dolan does claim that he is unsure about the aliens' intentions, but does not seem to waver in his belief that the aliens are there. We can infer from his writing that he has not personally seen a UFO, but feels compelled to be open to the possibility that they are existing out there. "No, what is necessary is to continue learning, to continue evaluating with fresh eyes and ears, and to continue to challenge oneself. And there are indeed those in the UFO research field who do this, often quietly and diligently asking new questions." He seems confident with his claim that there will eventually be some kind of breakthrough or something substantial will occur in this field to take the world's speculation to the next level. At least Dolan is thinking objectively and realistically because he just seems as if he wants to prepare for the next generation and for the future. Life could get pretty complicated if aliens started running around, which is why he believes there's no better time than the present to research and believe in this cause.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


One of my best friend's boyfriend can be a very strange person. He is one of those people that refuses to step on a grate in the sidewalk or a manhole cover in the street because he thinks they're going to break. I know it sounds like he is scrawny and a total wuss, but that's not true. That's what makes it so weird. He is truly adamant about his timidness of stepping on these "unsafe" pieces of metal. This kid plays baseball and is of an average to strong build for an 18 year old yet he incessantly refuses to go over bridges or pothole covers, it's the strangest thing. I know the incident in Minnesota is not a good example of how strong bridges are, but still that is not a frequent occurrence. My friend thinks that its cute he gets scared but honestly I just think it's weird. I'm not used to guys my age being nervous of minor things like walking over a grate. Going down Giant Drop at Great America, sure, then you can freak out. Walking over Michigan Avenue bridge and needing a quick pep talk beforehand? No, that just doesn't do it for me. I say it's weird, and I think it's something he needs to get over. I may sound insensitive, but I have even asked him in the past if there was a reasoning behind his fear. Perhaps he fell into a well when he was little or maybe got pushed into a pool, anything that could be somehow connected to this strange belief that cement grates are unsafe. He said no. Therefore he has no excuse. Be a man Alex, that's what I say.


This is my blog. It belongs to Eileen and only Eileen. Have a great day.