Monday, September 17, 2007

Wait... So it Didn't Actually Happen?

"The overwhelming number of academics and historians are too afraid actually to admit that the Holocaust was a fiction; they know they will lose their jobs if they speak up." I stumbled upon a website that has compiled all of the arguments and reasoning behind being in Holocaust denial. The site also continues to talk about the rebuttal and how ridiculous it is to believe something this massive did not exist. I am focusing my attention on the research that was done to gather the arguments that the non-believers of the Holocaust are concerned with. They stated flat out that it is a rumor historians are afraid they will not have enough support if they claimed to not believe in this mass genocide.
Another claim was that the amount of Jews actually killed is preposterous. The article states that "The figure of 5-6 million Jewish deaths is an exaggeration, and many Jews who actually emigrated to Russia, Britain, Palestine and the United States are included in the number." The article also talks about how the public awareness of the aftermath of the Holocaust when it was finally out in the open was an attempt to get the world to hate Germany and to fear Russia. The website even went as far to say that "Claims of what the Nazis supposedly did to the Jews were all intended to facilitate the Allies in their intention to enable the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and are currently used to garner support for the policies of the state of Israel, especially in its dealings with the Palestinians." This claim of them all seems to be the most appalling. From reading in between the lines I am taking out of this quote that the Germans just pretended to kill all of these innocent Jews so that Palestine would give the Jews their homeland out of pity. That seems outrageous.
The website also claims that there was no specific order sent from Adolf Hitler to start of this mass murdering action, therefore he is not to blame. They even say that the videos and pictures of people suffering during the Holocaust were falsified and created by the Allied forces to have propaganda against the Germans. On one occasion a video that claimed to be showing victims of the Holocaust after the war was in reality a video of Germans recovering from a bombing in Dresden. All in all the arguments given by the people not believing in the Holocaust seem weak and easily overtaken. Perhaps those who truly believe with their entire being that the Holocaust did not take place to the extent that has been recorded would be able to fight in this argument, however it does not seem plausible for an average Joe to question something we have all studied throughout our schooling. There is not enough proof.

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