Monday, September 24, 2007

Dandelions... those are the cure!

The particular case I researched this week was coming from a man, George Cairns, who seemed to cure his prostate cancer with some concoction including dandelions. He claims that he was "about done in" with his cancer when a voice in his head told him to take the root of a dandelion. He claims that he was not sure how to prepare it as he laid in bed thinking about the voice he had just heard, but then the next morning when he went to pick the roots he seemed to know exactly what to do. He found himself making this cure, taking it, and feeling very quick results. "Three weeks later the pain in my back and side was gone and my bowels had improved. Five and one half months later they could find no cancer problem in me at all."
George continues to say how quickly word of mouth had spread once he helped another man get over his lung cancer. Supposedly five people were treated for their lung cancer with this powdered dandelion root and all were cured. He went on to explain in detail how if you have fairly good immune system in your body the cancer cells are less likely to get through and you have a higher percentage of not becoming infected. If your immune system is not so great however then there is a problem. The dandelion root, though, "has something in it that builds up the blood and the immune system." Cairns swears by his cure, and even continues to give step by step directions as to how one should go about creating this concoction.
Cairns was talking about how Chemo is the largest difficulty when considering how effective the powdered dandelion root is. He claims that the Chemo just tears down your immune system while fighting the cancer cells, and his cure is all about working alongside the immune system, not against it. George concluded his article from the Northwest Herald by leaving his address and phone number at the bottom. I think that he made a poor decision in doing so, but perhaps he did not receive hate mail or prank phone calls in doing so. I wonder if this "cure" that he speaks of truly helped him, or if it was just coincidence, or perhaps a combination of both. Who knows, I just hope he did not give too many people false hope after reading his article because going off Chemotherapy to take powdered dandelion rot seems like a bad decision, but maybe that's just my own personal opinion.

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