Tuesday, September 4, 2007


One of my best friend's boyfriend can be a very strange person. He is one of those people that refuses to step on a grate in the sidewalk or a manhole cover in the street because he thinks they're going to break. I know it sounds like he is scrawny and a total wuss, but that's not true. That's what makes it so weird. He is truly adamant about his timidness of stepping on these "unsafe" pieces of metal. This kid plays baseball and is of an average to strong build for an 18 year old yet he incessantly refuses to go over bridges or pothole covers, it's the strangest thing. I know the incident in Minnesota is not a good example of how strong bridges are, but still that is not a frequent occurrence. My friend thinks that its cute he gets scared but honestly I just think it's weird. I'm not used to guys my age being nervous of minor things like walking over a grate. Going down Giant Drop at Great America, sure, then you can freak out. Walking over Michigan Avenue bridge and needing a quick pep talk beforehand? No, that just doesn't do it for me. I say it's weird, and I think it's something he needs to get over. I may sound insensitive, but I have even asked him in the past if there was a reasoning behind his fear. Perhaps he fell into a well when he was little or maybe got pushed into a pool, anything that could be somehow connected to this strange belief that cement grates are unsafe. He said no. Therefore he has no excuse. Be a man Alex, that's what I say.

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